About the GoodFellas Golf League
Thanks for your interest. This is a “by invitation only” league. The GoodFellas Golf League plays on Thursday’s starting on April 25, 2024 (weather permitting) at Hilltop Golf Course in Plymouth. First tee time is 4:30.Our league consists of 2 flights, A & B, 8 players per flight. We play nine holes weekly. The league plays for 16 weeks. There is no league play on the 4th of July week. In case of a rainout, league play is extended.
Cost is $445 for golf and cart (includes prize fees, secretary fee, league expenses). I need payment in full no later than February 28, 2023.
We play all singles matches (no teams). You are placed in a flight according to your average for nine holes.When I have a full league, I do a sort of averages. The 8 lowest average golfers go to “A” flight, next 8 go to “B” flight.You play your matches only against people in your flight. There is a 75% handicap between the differences in average between you and your opponent. The league secretary has the right to determine average start and cutoff for each flight to keep a balanced handicap within flights.
There is 16 weeks of league play and this includes 2 position rounds. After the final position night (16th week) cash awards are paid for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place from each flight.
This is the website where you will know your standing, results, who you are playing and tee times. You will receive an email when the website is updated.
Please “check in” inside the clubhouse when you arrive prior to your tee time.
We have some optional events every week, like $2 closest to the (100% payout). No handicap skins $5 (100% payout). Plese bring exact change. We’re going to have a year end outing so we will also have a weekly 50-50 drawing $5 per ticket per week (drawing is after golf) ½ the pot goes to the winner and ½ goes to the league for prizes in the outing. This keeps the cost of the outing down. The year end outing will be held the second or third SATURDAY of September. The format for the 2024 outing is a 18 hole handicapped 2 man scramble. Teams will consist of lowest average A flighter with the highest average B flighter. If you wish to join, I will need:Your Name, Address, Phone number, email where you want league info sent.I will also need your average for nine holes. A check for the amount of $445, made payable to:Ed Brezinsky 37609 Northfield Ave. Livonia, Mi. 48150.
Cost is $445 for golf and cart (includes prize fees, secretary fee, league expenses). I need payment in full no later than February 28, 2023.
We play all singles matches (no teams). You are placed in a flight according to your average for nine holes.When I have a full league, I do a sort of averages. The 8 lowest average golfers go to “A” flight, next 8 go to “B” flight.You play your matches only against people in your flight. There is a 75% handicap between the differences in average between you and your opponent. The league secretary has the right to determine average start and cutoff for each flight to keep a balanced handicap within flights.
There is 16 weeks of league play and this includes 2 position rounds. After the final position night (16th week) cash awards are paid for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place from each flight.
This is the website where you will know your standing, results, who you are playing and tee times. You will receive an email when the website is updated.
Please “check in” inside the clubhouse when you arrive prior to your tee time.
We have some optional events every week, like $2 closest to the (100% payout). No handicap skins $5 (100% payout). Plese bring exact change. We’re going to have a year end outing so we will also have a weekly 50-50 drawing $5 per ticket per week (drawing is after golf) ½ the pot goes to the winner and ½ goes to the league for prizes in the outing. This keeps the cost of the outing down. The year end outing will be held the second or third SATURDAY of September. The format for the 2024 outing is a 18 hole handicapped 2 man scramble. Teams will consist of lowest average A flighter with the highest average B flighter. If you wish to join, I will need:Your Name, Address, Phone number, email where you want league info sent.I will also need your average for nine holes. A check for the amount of $445, made payable to:Ed Brezinsky 37609 Northfield Ave. Livonia, Mi. 48150.